Escapism through Play in a Turbulent Year – Guest Post from The Insights Family®

Latest data shows kids turning to offline hobbies for escapism

Last year, kids across Europe made it through a trying and turbulent year with coronavirus disrupting every part of their lives.

Recent data from The Insights Family® shows that kids who have a hobby are less likely to be stressed or anxious, perhaps as they have an outlet to help deal with their concerns. For example, in France teens who partake in the top three most popular hobbies, 2 of which are active, are -49% less likely to report feeling anxious all the time and +7% more likely to report feeling happy.

Kids aged 3-5 played with toys and games 72% more than average in France throughout the pandemic, showing that they turn to non-digital hobbies and games for escapism.

In Germany kids aged 10-12 who take part in hobbies such as fishing, painting, and cooking, are +26% more concerned about the Coronavirus pandemic, which suggests their steps to find new hobbies might not only be to keep safe, but also to help mental wellbeing.

Kids aged 6-12 who take part in one of the top five hobbies we measure are -56% less likely to report feeling anxious all the time, while also being +8% more likely to be happier than average. This indicates how having a hobby can be beneficial to kids’ mental well-being. According to Kids Insights™ data, last year pre-schoolers in Germany spent the largest amount of time playing with toys/games across all age groups, at 1 hour 52 minutes per day. This is the highest number in all European markets that we survey.

As for pre-schoolers and tweens, almost 3 in 4 kids under the age of 13 in Spain say they prefer group activities, indicating a socialised nature within these kids that is inherent, due to this preference being present in kids as young as 3 years old. Kids Insights™ data suggests that this inclination towards group activity is beneficial for the mental health and well-being of kids, as under 13 who favour group activities are both +11% more likely to feel happy all the time, while also being +11% more likely to rarely feel anxious.

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About the Insights Family®

The Insights Family (formerly The Insights People), is the global leader in kids, parents, and family market intelligence, providing real-time data on their attitudes, behaviour, and consumption patterns. Every year the company survey more than 362,100 kids and more than 176,800 parents.

Their purpose: to provide children, parents, and families with a voice to shape their worlds.

Their mission: to be the business-critical partner for the world’s top brands who are looking to engage kids, parents, and families.

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