Packaging labels: European Parliament vote clarifies but also confuses

In yesterday’s vote, the European Parliament acknowledged the benefits of a clear EU-wide waste-sorting label for consumers and companies. This is something TIE has long pleaded for. On the other hand, Parliament also gives EU countries a free hand on labelling for packaging recycling schemes. These schemes involve manufacturers and member states. A label on these…

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Toy Industries of Europe positive about EU packaging sorting label

card box packages stored

The Environment Committee of the European Parliament proposed today an EU sorting label in the form of a pictogram that should put an end to the numerous and often contradictory national labelling initiatives we have seen in the past years. The common sorting label will have a positive impact on the environment and will benefit…

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TIE and 18 industry organisations call for a swift ratification of the Mercosur agreement

The joint letter urges the European Union to speed up the ratification process of the EU-Mercosur agreement. European toy manufacturers export over €20 million worth of toys annually to Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, and Uruguay. The agreement would eliminate most import tariffs of Mercosur countries which for toys are among the highest in the world. The agreement also includes concrete…

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Strong enforcement protects children against unsafe toys

International authorities seized more than 19 million counterfeit toys worth about €79 million during law enforcement operation LUDUS III. The operation was coordinated by Europol and ran between October 2022 and the end of February 2023 when the demand for toys was at its peak. Catherine Van Reeth, TIE’s Director General, said, “We can only…

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Joint industry statement on internal market and EU Packaging rules

TIE joined 120 industry associations to call the European Commission, the Council of the European Union and the European Parliament to preserve the general principles of the internal market in the Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation. The internal market framework will best serve the environmental and economic objectives of this regulation. Toy companies now must…

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TIE Position on revision of EU packaging rules

Brussels, March 2023 When done right, the revision of the EU’s packaging rules can lead to less waste, boost the use of more sustainable materials in packaging and help companies to benefit from the Single Market. To ensure that the revision achieves this, we recommend that the new rules: 1. Restore the Single Market and…

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